What would it mean for your business if you could easily write words that sell
(without sounding salesy)?

The Website Words Academy teaches coaches and content writers  
how to write wow-factor website words. Without struggling through it alone.

Your website right now
is a bit of a placeholder

You threw it together just to get something out there and it’s not *quite* the lead-machine you’d hoped for.

In fact, it’s holding you back from moving forward.

You don’t have the confidence to sell your services (or even raise your prices) because you cringe at the thought of actually sending a client to your website 😳

You’ve been devouring copywriting blog posts, books and podcasts and all you’ve got to show for it is a jumbled mess of half finished Google Docs 

Whenever you block out the time to write, imposter syndrome and overwhelm kick in. You want to do this…but you don’t want to do this alone

You’re stuck, going round and round in circles frustrated, overwhelmed and struggling to make the words punchy and figure out what should go where 


  The Website Words Academy

The Website Words Academy is a self-paced easy-to-follow course so you can write psychology-backed
words for your website (and business) in only 4 weeks.

This is different to all the times you’ve tried to
write for your business before

This time you’ll have :

Step-by-step templates for each page, so you’re never starting scratch 

The skills and confidence to write persuasive language whenever you need it

A copywriting pro (👋) in your corner to walk you through each and every element

You won’t just feel proud of your website. You’ll be beaming with pride at yourself. Because you’ll be in on the secret that the world’s best copywriters are keeping to themselves…

…writing words that sell (in a non-sleazy way) is not an innate talent that you’ve either ‘got’ or you don’t. It’s all about psychology.

You can learn the psychology and I can show you how. 

The Website Words Academy will work for you if....

You’re a coach and the thought of writing your website alone makes you want to cry and grab the nearest stiff drink 

You’re a marketer or content writer who wants to add copywriting to your skillset to wow your clients and deliver EPIC results 

You understand that sales psychology is the secret sauce to writing words that sell and a skill that’ll pay you for LIFE 

Ready To Forget The Scattered Notes? The Frustration?
The Cursed Blank Screen?

“I understand the psychology behind things now and it helps me make decisions about the copy. I can take this knowledge with me and use the same principles to write copy for my business whenever I need to” 

Lisa .V
Nudge Me. 

You can write your website words, even if...

You’ll feel like there’s ALOT in your brain, you find yourself overthinking and second-guessing everything you write 🤔

You don’t know how to write without sounding boring. TBH you don’t know how to answer when someone asks what you do 😬

You want to know how to sell, without sounding salesy, while still knowing where and how to ask for the sale 🤯

Does this sound familiar?

You always considered yourself a bit of a word-nerd at school but writing copy is not as obvious as you thought.

 or maybe….

Your Year 10 English teacher knocked your confidence and you’ve clung onto the belief that you ‘can’t write’.

I’m here to tell you, whatever you just read that got you nodding ☝️you CAN write words for your website and business that attract your dream clients and keeps them clickin’  

Let’s find out how 👇  

You Can Write Your Website Words, Even If

You’ve been devouring copywriting blog posts, books and podcasts and all you’ve got to show for it is a jumbled mess of half finished Google Docs 

Whenever you block out the time to write, imposter syndrome and overwhelm kick in. You want to do this…but you don’t want to do this alone. 

You’re stuck, going round and round in circles frustrated, overwhelmed and struggling to make the words punchy and figure out what should go where 

Does This Sound Familiar?

You always considered yourself a bit of a word-nerd at school but writing copy is not as obvious as you thought.

or maybe….

Your Year 10 English teacher knocked your confidence and you’ve clung onto the belief that you ‘can’t write’.

I’m here to tell you, whatever you just read that got you nodding ☝️you CAN write words for your website and business that attract your dream clients and keeps them clickin’

Let’s find out how 👇  

Here's how you’ll learn to write psychology-backed words so your website (and business) becomes a money-making-machine

The course includes short, self-paced video tutorials, templates and real-life examples to teach you step-by-step, how to write your Homepage, About page and How I work page, as well as SEO and sales psychology tips

Watch a sneak peek from inside
the Website Words Academy 👉🏻

You’re gonna get so much more out of this than just website words...

Learn how to write in a voice that feels authentic, so you can have the best of *you* in the copy and cut the fluff

Unlock what’s inside your head and turn scattered words, lists and ideas into organised thoughts with a strategic flow  

Understand the basics of sales psychology, so you can apply ethical persuasion principles to write words that sell 

The investment to learn a skill that'll keep bringing money into your business? Just $247 USD

With a 100%, no questions asked money-back-guarantee. (Check out the FAQs at the bottom of the page for more on that) 

PLUS, at checkout you'll get the chance to add a Copy Coaching Call with me!
If you finish the course within 5 weeks, I'll review your words and make conversion-boosting suggestions. Hello accountability. 

Sounds pretty good so far right? Now you might be thinking yes, but...


You could outsource your website copywriting. But as an online business owner, you’re gonna have to write #fact. So wouldn’t you like to have the skills to make it quicker, easier and enjoyable when you do? 

Our old friend, optimism bias - in 6 months I’ll suddenly have LOADS of time, I’ll just do it then. But the magic rainbow of time never appears, it’s just 6 months later and your website still isn’t making you money 



If I get more sales in, then I’ll be in a position to invest in myself and my business. But how will you get more sales with a website that’s not converting? Behold the ultimate catch 22. 

Sounds Pretty Good So Far Right? 

But You Might Be Thinking Yes, But...


You could outsource your website copywriting. But as an online business owner, you’re gonna have to write #fact. So wouldn’t you like to have the skills to make it quicker, easier and enjoyable when you do? 


Our old friend, optimism bias - in 6 months I’ll suddenly have LOADS of time, I’ll just do it then. But the magic rainbow of time never appears, it’s just 6 months later and your website still isn’t making you money 


If I get more sales in, then I’ll be in a position to invest in myself and my business. But how will you get more sales with a website that’s not converting? Behold the ultimate catch 22. 


You get coaching from sales copywriting pro (👋) every step of the way. Plus if you finish in 4 weeks, you get the ‘completion bonus’ a 1:1 review and suggestions to make your words EVEN better 

How I feel about writing now, compared to before I joined, is like day and night.

"Your course gave me an amazing framework and formula to make writing much easier and understanding a more conversational side to persuasive language and selling. The Clever TRIC stuff is blowing my mind."

Lee Mowlem, Website Developer 

 Let’s dive deeper into EXACTLY how you’re going to turn your website into a money-making-machine.  

👇🏻 Watch the video to take a sneak peek inside the course 👇🏻


Week 1: The ‘Clever TRIC’ method

We kick-off with an instant win. My unique Clever TRIC method helps you find out exactly what your dream client is thinking and how to get what’s in their head on your page.

My clients and WWA students consistently say this method of collecting audience intel blows their mind and changes their game completely, when it comes to writing for their business.

You can use this audience research as inspiration for blogs, emails, socal posts, lead magnets…you name it. It’ll become the foundation of your website copy AND all your marketing content.

As well as a lovely spreadsheet chock-full of dream client intel. You’ll also get: 

👍My Tried-tested and-perfected Target Audience Profile questionnaire. Curated with my clients over 7 years of website copywriting. This is your bible when it comes to writing words that resonate with your reader

👍My non-cringey client testimonial questionnaire. So you can approach your clients like a pro, with questions that prompt insightful and valuable testimonials that act as conversion-boosters for your website  


Week 2: Homepage Hero 

No more feeling overwhelmed. You’ll know exactly how to make an impact, what order to put it all in and who to aim your messaging at (don’t panic, we’ll cover what to do if you have more than one audience to consider 😉).

I’ll share the proven Homepage template that I use with my 1:1 clients to write high-converting Homepages that flow like matcha latte. And navigate your reader on their journey around the rest of your website.  

You’ll never feel lost or uninspired, as I share my step-by-step Homepage template, real-life examples and tutorials for each section to keep you in the flow.  


Week 3: Power-up Your About Page 

Lemme guess, you once blocked out 4 hours to write your About page and after 6 hours all you’d written is where you went to uni?  

The About page is every business owner’s nemesis, so this week we’ll write an About page that sells your sizzle, and your services, without feeling cringey and unauthentic.

Plus, if you never know what to say when someone asks “so what do you do” or what to write in your Instagram bio, this is the week when you’re going to nail all those lovely brand messages.

You’ll never feel unsure what to leave in, take out, or if anyone cares that you like hot yoga? With my step-by-step About page template, real-life examples and tutorials for each section.


Week 4: Wow-kapow How I work page 

Often overlooked, this is the page where a lot of the website magic happens…if you do it right.

Here we’ll talk about how to position yourself as the go-to authority in your industry by busting myths and articulating your unique process in a way that helps you stand out from your competition (so you can’t be compared on price) and stops your reader feeling confused (‘cos confusion = a conversion-killer).

But the *real* juice here is learning to move away from selling services and into selling packages that your dream clients actually want to buy.

 As a special bonus, you’ll also get… 

👍My pricing-best-practice tutorial. Know why putting pricing on your site IS a good idea and how to use your pricing to actually encourage clicks - you read that right

You’ll never second-guess how to sell your services or whether you’re charging what you’re worth with my step-by-step How I Work page template, real-life examples and tutorials for each section.


Week 5: Wrapping it all up in a highly-converting bow

*Technically* your website is now written, so we’re going to spend this week making is even more EPIC by reviewing and optimising your words for conversions

1. Copy review cheatsheet. Using my simple 8-point checklist you’ll make sure your words are the best they can possibly be. You can use this cheat sheet again and again whenever you write for your business

2. Sales psychology cheatsheet. Using my Sales-psych-101 cheat sheet you’ll feel pretty brainy, as you can go back through your copy and proudly spot and tweak all the psychology we weaved in along the way

3. SEO best practice. We’ll go through the BEST thing you can do to improve your on-page SEO, but honestly? You’ll be shocked at how google-friendly your website words are, simply by writing them well  

The investment to upskill yourself and
next-level your business is only $247 (USD)

With a 100%, no questions asked money-back-guarantee. (Check out the FAQs at the bottom of the page for more on that) 

PLUS, at checkout you'll get the chance to add a Copy Coaching Call with me!
If you finish the course within 5 weeks, I'll review your words and make conversion-boosting suggestions. Hello accountability. 

The Investment To Upskill Yourself And Next-Level Your Business is Only $623 (USD)

With a 100%, no questions asked money-back-guarantee.(Check out the FAQs at the bottom of the page for more on that) 

Join Now To Start on Tuesday 10 January 2023



Website Words Academy-ers say this....

“I've just spent 30 mins doing the Clever TRIC method and have 2 pages of copy I can use and adapt! Thank you for sharing this with us”.
-Joanne L, Career Coach & Trainer

“I have a structure to work within so I don’t feel overwhelmed or lost”
-Tanja Mulcay, Fertility Coach

“After struggling for weeks, I knocked out my About page in 40 mins…while travelling”
-Mariah McInnes, Content Marketing Coach

“I’ve got so much more confident now, like I’m a “real’ business
- Gemma Harvey, Digital Marketer

“I just wanted to say thank you so much for your time on the coaching today – I felt very privileged to get your expertise 1-2-1 I am looking forward to going through the rest of WWA – I am blown away by it so far!
- Lee M, Website Designer     

What happens after you join?

Step 1 :  You’ll receive an email with your log-in details and you can access the course straight away

Step 2 : Go through the course at your own speed and use the page templates to easily write your copy

Step 3:  Refer back to any module at any time, with life time access and special bonus videos

How do you know I’m the real deal?


I’ve worked in marketing for 16 years and written a gazillion high-converting websites since I started my copywriting business 7 years ago


It’s impossible to inspire a reader to take an action (which is basically what copywriting is) without a deep knowledge of sales and consumer psychology. Fact


I’ve worked with enough business owners (plus, I am one) to know that running a business is complicated enough. Let’s cut the fluff and get to the stuff that works

Hi, I’m Elle.

I know from experience that the bigger your business grows, the more you’ll need to write for it. And since (alas) you can’t have a copywriter following you around all the time, I’m here to teach you copywriting skills that’ll pay you for life.  

Copy is my why. And I pass its power on to my amazing clients and students, by teaching them the skill.

So you can go forth and share your why with the world. And so the ripple effect of brilliance continues. I love that concept.  

Writing copy is not a dark art. In fact, it’s 98% science (i.e sales psychology).

The great news is, you can learn the science! And I can show you how.

Once you’ve got copywriting skills in your arsenal, you’ll be unstoppable 

Give me 4 weeks, and I'll have you feeling:

Excited about writing words for your business and relieved that writing one caption won’t take you all day

Confident in your ability to write non-salesy persuasive language that sells to your dream client

Proud of your website, knowing it 100% resonates with your reader and stands out from the rest

Grateful that all that time, money and sanity you pour into your marketing leads to a website that converts

“I especially loved the psychology aspect, I’m a sucker for understanding why we do things. There were so many amazing gems throughout every session”.
-Gemma H, Digital Marketer 

You’re gonna get so much more out of this than just website words...

Learn how to write in a voice that feels authentic, so you can have the best of *you* in the copy and cut the fluff

Unlock what’s inside your head and turn scattered words, lists and ideas into organised thoughts with a strategic flow  

Understand the basics of sales psychology, so you can apply ethical persuasion principles to write words that sell 

I have noticed my confidence in writing my copy has increased.

“It’s completely different, because now I know what I’m looking for, what feels right when I’m writing. Now I can spot how marketers have written the copy. I'm proud of my new-found copywriting skills"

- Charlotte Feeley, Website Designer

Next-levelling your business with high-converting, sales-psychology-backed copy, is the single best thing you can do to help your business grow this year. And next year. And the year after.

WWA is the step-by-step roadmap to get you to a fully written website and more confidence whenever you write words for your website.
Putting it off is costing your business (and your sanity!). Let’s get it done.

“The template, strategy and framework is clear and easy to apply, and Elena has taken out the overwhelm by focussing on the essentials on good copy.” — Bonnie Hook, VA

 I feel more confident that I know where and how to enhance and improve my website. I have a structure and a template I can keep coming back to, which is a relief”
- Tanja M, Fertility Coach

Stuff you still might want to know...

Sure you could hit Google. You can even find zillions of free videos on youtube.  But you won’t find a copywriting course quite like this.  

1. You’ll learn my ‘Clever TRIC’ method to understanding your client. Seriously, once you learn this you’ll never stare at a blank screen again.
2. We bake sales psychology into every page. This is the secret sauce when it comes to conversions. I have a background in psychology, and bring alllll the persuasion principles and decision triggers into the writing process. So you can do the same.  

3. You get step-by-step templates, real-life examples from other coaching websites and short explainer videos for every section of your Homepage, About page and How I work page

I promise you won’t find another course, or copywriter doing it quite like this. I’m so sure you’ll love it ,that I offer an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.

I suggest putting aside 3-5 hours per week to complete each module. Add the time into your calendar as soon as you sign up, so you don’t keep putting it off until later.  

You get lifetime access, but I know you’re short on time, so think of it like this - 4/5 weeks and your DONE!

As an incentive (and a little accountability) to get your website written, if you email me at elena@23wisewords.com with a link to your written content within 5 weeks of signing up. I'll review it and make suggestions for free!

The Website Words Academy comes with an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.  

If, after 12 weeks, you have completed all the modules, and you’re not satisfied with your sales-psychology-packed, conversion-busting website copy, I wouldn’t feel right taking your money.  

Send an email to elena@23wisewords.com and I’ll refund the price of the Workshop. No forms, no strings, no questions asked.  You can find all the Website Words Academy  terms and conditions here.  

I am ALWAYS here to answer any questions or worries throughout the course. You can email me directly and you will receive my contact details when you sign up.

I recommend you plan to complete the Academy within 5 weeks so you can get your new website up and running ASAP!  

However, you will have access for life.

The Website Words Academy has been carefully crafted to work specifically for service-based businesses.

Particularly those who work 1:1 with their clients, such as coaches, consultants, VA’s, designers and marketers. E-comm websites are a very different ballgame, so the pages we go through on the course won’t apply to you.  

Maybe one day there’ll be a WWA: E-comm edition! 

Great question.  

We cover the 3 main pages every service-based business needs in the WWA (Homepage, About + How I work).  

However you are free to add as many pages as you’d like to your own site (I recommend adding a contact page at least 😉).  

You can take all the copywriting skills you learn in the course and apply them to any other page you write for your website. 

Not in this one, but it’s on the agenda, so watch this space.  

I do have a sales page template, which I’m happy to share with any of my WWA students. Just ask me once you join! 

All good! Just email me elena@23wisewords.com.  

Ask me anything!