You're ready to play bigger. Launch better. Make more impact. Help more people. Do greater things.

Unfortunately your sales page hasn't got the memo.

Your sales page is THE most important part of your launch.

If it could be converting better then alllll the posting, collab'ing, emailing, boosting, podcasting and webinar-ing in the world is not going to bring more of your dream students into your course or membership.

So if you're ready to go bigger this launch, let's make some sales-psychology-backed changes that'll boost those conversions, bring in dream students. And make you more 💰💰💰

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Watch this video 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Sales-Boosting Sales Page Review

Make more money from your next launch!

Been staring at the words on your sales page for far too long?

Too close to your offer to see where things might need tweaking?

Just don't have time to do this on your own?

I've got you.


Using my sales-psychology-backed methods I'll review your sales page and provide conversion-optimised suggestions to get more of your dream students or members clicking the 'join now' button.

Here's how it works:

1. As soon as you join you'll receive my bespoke Target Audience Questionnaire. This gives me the background I need to boost your sales page for conversions.

2. Once I have your questionnaire back, give me a few days to conduct my Clever TRIC method, which gives me the audience insights I need to sneak into the hearts and minds of your perfect client or student  

3. I review your sales page and make suggested sales-boosting revisions based on sales psychology, persuasion principles and the research I found from my Clever TRIC method  

4. I'll send your suggested changes back via Google Doc, along with a screen share video explaining the strategy behind everything  

5. Let me know if you have any feedback, I make any tweaks and you're good to *go*  

* By 'go' I mean boost your sales AND grow your course or membership 💥🔥🎉💪🏻💰

All for $597

Jess Osborn

Marketing Coach

Elena really understood my audience and how to connect with them on a deeper level so they take action. Elena provided suggestions to improve the flow and conversion. I loved the detail and the explanations of why she made the changes she did. My open rate and optins improved, and the sales page has a much stronger message now."

Course Pricing

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$597 USD

  • Sales-boosting Sales Page Review

Get more sales

Katie WV

Financial Coach

I spent the last few days pondering the message and mood of the copy, and I am just so happy with it! The final product is amazing, I think it relates so well to the audience and conveys how I can help.